10 Real Life Ways To Self Care - Moxxie Bands

10 Real Life Ways To Self Care

Right from childhood, we are taught to be compassionate towards other people. And so, growing up, we take care that we treat others with kindness and respect. We take into account their emotions and feelings while interacting with them because we don't want to hurt them.

However, when it comes to our own selves, we often don't show the same level of compassion as we do to others. We all go through our lives jumping from one task to the other, taking care of our responsibilities, and going through immense stress and pressure. And in the midst of it all, we forget that we are biological beings and our bodies and minds need care and attention.

This is where self-care comes in. In a world that expects you to function like a robot all the time, practicing self-care provides you with a buffer period where you can be with yourself and tend to your needs. It reminds you that the most important relationship you have is with your own self. The significance of this cannot be overstated, and everyone should consciously make self-care a part of their daily routine. To that end, let's take a look at ten real-life ways to self-care.

1) Get Ample Sleep

One of the worst side-effects of the modern-day lifestyle is sleep deprivation. More than half the world's population doesn't get enough sleep. This is tragic, to say the least. When you don't get the sleep you need, your body and mind don't get replenished, and you just can't function to your fullest. You also become more vulnerable to diseases and disorders.

So, make sleep a priority and ensure that you get 7-8 hours of shut-eye every day. One great way of doing that is by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. You could also meditate before going to bed as it helps your mind relax and fall asleep faster.

2) Eat Right

Food is another area that has taken a huge hit in modern times. We don't think twice before guzzling down processed and unhealthy "food." It's no wonder so many people these days have diabetes, fatty liver, heart disease, hypertension, high blood pressure, vitamin deficiency, and so on. Again, people are so busy that they just don't get enough time to pay attention to their dietary habits.

If you want to take care of yourself, eating right should be on top of your list of priorities. As they say, you are what you eat! So, you should sit down and plan your meals. Figure out what you're going to have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. Make sure you include fresh and organic food in your diet. Focus more on fruits, veggies, healthy carbs, and protein. And cut down on junk food as much as you can.

3) Spend Time With Loved Ones

Have you ever observed that when you are with your loved ones, the rest of the world doesn't seem to matter that much? In a way, you enter into a different dimension where you are just present with them, and that's all that matters. Obviously, this happens because you share a special bond with your loved ones, and you feel safe and secure in their presence.

So, spending time with your friends and family is another great way to take care of yourself. You should do it as often as you can. If you are genuinely busy, you could plan something for the weekends. You could go to a picnic with them, watch movies together, or just hang out at home. The more you do this, the better you will feel about yourself.

4) Keep Track of Your Accomplishments

Most people are so focused on their dreams and desires that they completely put aside their short-term achievements or milestones. While striving for your goals is obviously a good thing, you should do it mindfully. Remember that it's about the journey, not the destination. If you enjoy the journey, the end result will be much more enjoyable.

This is also good for your mental health. Every now and then, when you celebrate your little achievements, you get a confidence boost and feel better about yourself. It also gives you time to get your bearings and recuperate.

5) Treat Your Inner Child

We all have an inner child that most of us tend to lose as we grow up. And this is why you see so many grumpy faces in the world. But just because you become an adult doesn't mean you should lose the wonder, innocence, and fun-loving side of a child. In fact, these are the things that add colors to your life.

So, treat your inner child from time to time. Try to remember what you used to like when you were little. Try to remember what made you the happiest. Was it making art on the wall? Was it eating marshmallows or going to a picnic? Was it playing video games? Once you've figured this out, try to do the same things again. You are guaranteed to feel warm and fuzzy on the inside, and you will most probably be reminded of the good old days.

6) Take Breaks

The world that we live in worships productivity. The amount of work you do kind of defines your worth. This makes people keep pushing their physical and mental limits. Eventually, the pressure becomes too much to handle, and they burn out. As mentioned above, we are biological beings. And as such, we have our limits. It is wrong to expect yourself to work like a robot, day in and day out.

No matter what anybody says, you deserve breaks from time to time. You need to give your body and mind the time they need to replenish and be at ease. So, do not hesitate to take a day or two off work if you need it. Even while you're at work, taking short breaks (about 15 minutes) every couple of hours is a good idea.

7) Spend Time In Nature

When you spend time at a park, a beach, or in the mountains, you feel completely refreshed and relaxed. You feel happy and energetic. Why do you think this happens? Well, this happens because when we spend time in nature, we reestablish our connection with mother Earth. It's almost like being back at home.

This is why it is so important to unplug from our daily lives for a while and spend time in nature. It could be a weekend getaway, a stroll in the park, a vacation, or even just lying down in the grass in your backyard. The idea here is to surround yourself with nature's elements and let yourself go.

8) Listen To A Podcast

Podcasts are to mental health what exercise is to physical health. They give you a ton of knowledge and take your mind off the humdrum of life. They can even distract you from things that stress you out. Plus, it's the perfect way to keep your mind engaged and anchored in the present moment.

This is probably why podcasts have skyrocketed in the recent past. While people may not always have the time to read books, they can surely get enough time to listen to their favorite podcasts while doing something else (like driving from work or doing their laundry).

9) Journal

People have been journaling for centuries. From great conquerors to ordinary folk, people have always found comfort in writing down their deepest thoughts on the pages of their diaries. Psychologists say that it is a great way to help you process and understand your emotions. This is why journaling is often seen as a form of emotional and mental self-care.

Therefore, it's a great idea to instill this habit into your daily routine. Just before you go to bed at night, you could write about your dreams and desires, the details of your days, things you are grateful for, affirmations, and so on. Taking even ten minutes a day to reflect can be beneficial.

10) Craft A Beauty Routine

Last but certainly not least is your beauty routine. It is no secret that the way you look can influence your confidence and self-esteem. Also, since your skin is the largest organ in your body, it only makes sense to take extra care of it. After all, healthy skin does a lot more than just enhance your looks!

So, make sure you craft a beauty routine according to your skin type and personal preferences. Every morning or at night, you can begin by taking a relaxing bubble bath. Then, you can use cleansers, toners, serums, eye creams, moisturizers, body lotions, sunscreen, and so on. Doing so will give you radiant skin that you will absolutely love.

* A Bonus Tip! - Think of What Makes You Feel Grateful

It's so easy to get so caught up in the flows of life and forget to stop for a moment and just look around at all that you have to be grateful for. No, you may not have the shiny new car like your neighbor, or the big house like your old high school friend, but those things only matter as much as you let them. You are amazing, and you have the capability to do anything you put your mind to. You just have to believe in you. So today be grateful for all that you are and all that you have, and set attainable goals to chase after and achieve your dreams. The hardest part of anything is starting. Plus, gratitude helps curb anxiety. That's a win-win in my book. 


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