The Moxxie Story

Welcome. We're so glad you're here and that your curiosity about our brand has brought you to this page.

There's more than a huge part of me that wishes that I never had this story to tell you. And, sadly, I know that there's a story in your life too that you wish you didn't have. We can relate. But if our story, the Moxxie Story, can help save or even just change one person's life, then it's absolutely all been worth it. 

Trigger warning for those sensitive to traumatic events, as unfortunately, that is what follows. This is our story, real and raw. My story, the Moxxie Story, has been inspired by real life. Real life that has included surviving domestic violence, multiple pregnancy losses, postpartum depression, anxiety & mental health struggles, a suicide attempt and a cancer diagnosis during COVID, just to name a few. Although all of these real life events have in some way inspired Moxxie, the part of our story that truly inspired Moxxie follows. 

Just a short few years ago, my daughter attempted suicide. There was no warning. No note. No red-flags. No indications. My smart, beautiful, talented, full of life teenager decided that her life was no longer worth living. She decided that her struggles were hers alone and that suicide was the only choice. She had just graduated from High School with plans and dreams of attending Cosmetology School. She had a good job. She was saving money to move out on her own. We were shopping for her first car.  

Everything after that moment was a blur. 

I had no idea what to do for her. I felt utterly and completely helpless. There was nothing to do but pray for guidance and strength. 

Late one night during her inpatient hospital stay, I turned to the internet, silently praying to stumble across something for her that would serve as a small token of my love, the perfect gift that would really speak to her. I wanted something small that she could have with her each and every day; something that could serve as a daily reminder that her life matters. She matters. She is strong. She is enough. She is so loved. That she has a purpose here.

After what seemed like countless hours scouring to what felt like the ends of the Earth for the "perfect" something, I came up empty handed. Nothing seemed fit to stand up to this monumentous task of reminding a teenage girl on the very brink of woman hood, in a time of her life that should BE the time of her life, that 

So, here we are. That very night, Moxxie Bands was born because I have a determination and a fire in my heart to show my daughter that with hard work, dedication, perseverance and a lot of MOXXIE, you can, indeed, change the world, and come out even better than you ever imagined possible despite it.  

It's these unfortunate events in life that make us who we are. The good, the bad and the ugly. I'm thankful each and every day that I still have my beautiful, smart, strong-willed daughter beside me today. We will forever all be changed because of it. But we must be brave despite it as we continue on our journey of healing. 

Our hearts and prayers go out to those who have lost, those walking beside someone fighting their own battle, or those who are on their own healing journey, and we hope deeply that our wristbands can help bring some love, light and most importantly awareness to these important issues. We hope that through Moxxie, we are able to shine a little love and light into even your darkest moments, and remind you that you truly matter, and inspire you to keep going.