6 Ways to Tame a Dumpster Fire - Moxxie Bands

6 Ways to Tame a Dumpster Fire

Oh the classic “dumpster fire.” We’ve all seen the memes with a large dumpster spewing fire over it's brim. It’s imaginary and so relatable. So relatable in fact, that it’s been re-shared and recreated for all kinds of different life scenarios in a half-hazard attempt at drawing out some comic relief from the feelings we are experiencing when we’re the ones inside of the dumpster that is on fire.

It is said that laughter is the best medicine, so maybe there is no harm in laughing at our downfalls or hard times. Because let's face it. Sometimes...all you CAN do is laugh.

Yet, none of us are addressing that a dumpster fire situation is low key a trauma. At the very least, the accumulation of circumstances that are so extreme there’s no other way to articulate. Just the meme. Of a dumpster. On fire.

As a society we are accepting this level of “baffling” to be commonly accepted; Almost expected that you would feel like a dumpster fire at sometime in your life. Social media has replayed this meme so frequently, the phrase exists in our everyday language. It’s as if we’re being given the green light to say: it’s okay if you feel like this. It’s okay to feel like this even a few times a week. It’s totally fine... just like the dog drinking coffee in a room of fire. But is it?

What about those of us who are actually feeling like we are on fire, stuck inside of a dumpster? If that’s you, you’re not alone. You don’t deserve to make yourself comfortable inside the dumpster, or find gratitude for the fire available to keep you warm.

Here are 6 practical, no nonsense (yet, sarcastic) ways to tame your dumpster fire.


If you find yourself in the middle of a dumpster fire, the first thing to do is to inhale, filling your lungs entirely, and then the next step is to scream. Go find woods, a pillow, go sit in your car and turn the volume up, and then scream. Scream as if no one is watching, scream as if no one could hear you. Scream so loud your voice cracks. Scream for as long as your breath will take you. Allow yourself to release your inner war cry.

*Whatever you do, do not yell fire. We don’t need the fire station arriving while you’re releasing gut wrenching screams from the middle of the woods.


Once you’ve screamed all the screams you can possibly scream (ideally with less voice than you began with) now you’re ready to jump. This one can be done almost anywhere. It’s simply, you’re first going to jump up, and then gravity will bring you back down. Then all you have to do is jump again. You can use your arms if your body doesn’t have this capacity. You can throw your arms up, and here you will have to lower your own arms, or by all means, play with gravity. Even if you have the ability to jump, you, too, can add your arms. Do this as much as you can, and when you wanna give up, remember the fire you’re jumping out of and jump 3 more times.

*There are no bonus points for screaming while you jump. But try it, it could be a mind game... like patting your head and rubbing your belly at the same time.

3) CRY

If you didn’t cry while you were screaming, it would be completely understandable. It's like patting your head and rubbing your belly at the same time. It's not easy to do both. If you did cry while screaming or jumping, CONGRATULATIONS, you’re half way out of the dumpster fire. Maybe you have a few more tears to let trickle out. Let those tears stream down your face, let the snot come, make it really ugly. If crying is not a regular thing in your life, here is your invitation. If ugly crying isn’t something you can bring yourself to do, here’s YOUR invitation. It’s more than okay to cry. It’s actually just plain human of you to want or need to cry. But, it is especially important that you give yourself opportunities to cry and release when you find yourself in a dumpster fire. When laughing at your fire is no longer working, try crying instead.

*Besides, water helps put fires out, and you won’t even have to call the fire department.


This one may cause more heat to address, but we’re already inside of a flaming hot trash receptacle, so while we’re at it, let’s not add more flammables. Not saying you can’t go out and celebrate with your friends once you’ve gotten out of the fire! Just saying that adding alcohol into the mix isn’t going to help put the fire out. It can very well increase the flames. It’s definitely acceptable, almost default, for us to have a drink while we post our dumpster fire memes, but if you’re trying to get out of the fire by adding flammables, it might not be the best combination. There are so many other ways to “add” something into the fire that isn’t alcohol. I dare you to be creative in filling the space where this almost logically makes sense.

*I bet dumpster fires make incredible roasted marshmallows. (Note to self: add marshmallows and graham crackers to grocery list.)


You might already have found this amazing trick to tame a dumpster fire. One of the best ways to enjoy your time in the dumpster is to dance it out. Turn on your favorite playlist, crank it loud enough your mother would ask you to turn it down, and then dance. Dance your booty off. Sing your heart out. Reminisce about another dumpster fire you’ve overcome. Play some tunes that remind you of simpler times, play some tunes that remind you of you. Music we can sing or dance to is like a time machine sending us back to places we’ve been before. Use it wisely and you can be teleported into your future dream life.

*it’s absolutely okay if you start dancing while jumping around. Also okay if you add screaming or crying to this one as well.


Hey, if you’re still stuck inside the dumpster after this, the last thing for you to try is a new perspective. No, we don't mean some positive mental attitude. Not some fluffy, “it’s all working out." Quite literally, try a new perspective. Try an inversion. Try laying on your back on your bed, and slowly tipping your head off the side. Try laying on your back on the ground near your bed or your couch or a wall. From the floor, lift one leg onto the bed/couch/wall, and then the other. You can keep your legs straight or place them at a 90 degree angle. Stick around for a moment. Feel the blood rush back Into your legs. You might feel silly, but while you’re here, try a new perspective. What if you used your hands as feet? What if you saw the world from this angle? Probably wouldn’t help too much in an actual fire, and would probably be some of the worst advice in a fire. However, here in your dumpster fire, sometimes we need to pause, put our feet up, and take a new look at things. You might just be surprised.

*Whoops, sorry this is going to end on the note that things are actually going to be okay. And maybe it is okay to laugh at our fires along the way. It's also ok to not be okay sometimes. (Just remember not to stay there too long.)

Regardless of what your dumpster fire is, always remember: your current situation is not your final destination. You Matter.

Written by: Tara Beaulieu, Team Moxxie xx

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